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  • Sunday, Nov 17th
    1:00 PM – 4:00 PM East Coast USA Time
    Building Bridges to Create an Inclusive Pathway for Untapped Subject Matter Experts
    Location: Flicker 3
    Main Contact/Presenter: Shelly S. McDowell-Porter, PhD, LCSW, CDP – Chamberlain University
    Beyond Traditional Credentials
  • Monday, Nov 18th
    12:30 PM – 12:40 PM East Coast USA Time
    A Millennium Old and Still Going Strong: A Brief History of the Written Exam
    Location: Innovation Hall, Sparkle Ballroom - E-Poster Gallery
    Main Contact/Presenter: Eden Racket – American Osteopathic Association
    Beyond Traditional Credentials
  • Tuesday, Nov 19th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM East Coast USA Time
    Focus on the Future: Navigating the Next Decade in Testing
    Main Contact/Presenter: David Foster – Caveon
    Presenter: John Weiner – JW Advisers
    Beyond Traditional Credentials
  • Tuesday, Nov 19th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM East Coast USA Time
    Everything you Ever Wanted (or Need) to Know about Instructional Design.
    Main Contact/Moderator: Denise Roosendaal, FASAE, CAE – Institute for Credentialing Excellence
    Presenter: Michelle Nolin, CPTD – Learn Ethos
    Presenter: Tracy King, MA, CAE – InspirED
    Beyond Traditional Credentials
  • Wednesday, Nov 20th
    9:00 AM – 10:00 AM East Coast USA Time
    Future-Proof Credentials: Combing VR and Microcredentials to Enhance the Value of Your Program and Meet Market Needs
    Main Contact/Presenter: Nikki S. Eatchel – Prometric
    Presenter: Sarah French – Mursion
    Beyond Traditional Credentials